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Bearing God's Image

Bearing God's Image: Lesson 1 from the series, Future Leaders of the Church, by Dennis and Nina Roofe.

Genesis 1: 26-27:

26 Then God said, Let Us make mankind in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the livestock and over all the earth, and over every crawling thing that crawls on the earth. 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Psalms 139: 13-14:

13 For You created my innermost parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.

Discussion Questions: 

1. How can we take on God’s qualities of compassion, mercy, love, and gentleness, and express them in our world? --@ work, @ school, in our families?


First, we must know those qualities, which only come from being in God’s Word and reading how God expressed these qualities to all; of how Godly men and women expressed these

qualities to others.  Only then can we start to see what these qualities of God are and how we can emulate them.

2. How does Rom 12:1-2 apply? 


Next, and specifically, we look at others as God looks at each of his creation, as something that is a part of him. We are all made in His own image, whether individuals chose to accept that (or Him) or not. Just because others don’t recognize Him or want to believe in Him, doesn’t mean that they are not created in His image. First, we must accept that all are God’s creation; all are God’s children. Having that correct perception should help us to better look past all forms of negative characteristics that we perceive someone to have.

Now, this doesn’t mean that we must allow others to take advantage of us, mistreat us, or physically abuse us; however, we don’t need to allow ourselves to think the worst of others either. We should give everyone Grace, and allow others to have misunderstandings, and lack of knowledge, and experiences.  

If we treat others with respect, compassion, mercy, love, and gentleness, then there is a higher likelihood that our efforts will be returned in kindness. This may not always be the case, but more times than not, it should be our experience.  

Regardless, coming to someone with less than these efforts will not engender the response we would hope to receive unless the other person is practicing a level of quality toward us, as would be befitting a person after God’s own heart.

For more specific examples of how to take on these qualities in a manner as God, I would offer that listening before speaking is a great place to start. Understanding where another is at in their knowledge and experience, you have a much better opportunity for being able to meet them where they are at and then educating and enlightening them to the point, we desire them to be. Assuming that someone is more knowledgeable than they are or expecting them to have a level of expertise when they have not had the same opportunities as we have had to gain knowledge is unfair on our part. Listening to them first, either by allowing them to offer their knowledge or by asking questions to seek their level of understanding will educate us on a better plan of how to communicate. This understanding will allow us to offer more grace, mercy, and compassion than if we simply made assumptions.

Another specific example is to place yourself in their shoes, their level of understanding, and their circumstances. It is more often easier to have compassion for others when you consider the other challenges that they may be facing, which may or may not be anything comparable to your circumstances. 

Finally, and probably what should be the MOST effective way of taking on these qualities would be to treat others as you would like to be treated! God grants us more

compassion, mercy, love, and gentleness than we can ever know. If we appreciate and desire that level of treatment, should we not attempt to reciprocate that treatment to others?  It is in simplest form, the “Golden Rule”, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

3. God is a spirit and therefore invisible. He relies on us to make His spirit visible to others. How does this make you feel?


Inspiring, Encouraging, Motivating? The overall positive feeling of God’s pride in His workmanship of us? Are we Optimistic about having this opportunity? 

Daunting, Overwhelming, Scary, Burdensome, Overall Negative feeling of God’s Expectations and Desired Results of His workmanship of us? Do we have feelings of Inadequacy and Inferiority? 

On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being Inadequate and 10 being Confident, where would you rate yourself? To be able to display the qualities of God we desire to display, we should first know where our confidence is in our abilities to do this. 

Think about why your number is not lower. The answers are the qualities you have confidence in your ability to perform. These are the qualities you can take comfort in and rely on in difficult situations or conversations.

Think about why your number is not higher. The answers are specific qualities you can identify where growth opportunities lie. Consider why you are not as confident in these qualities. This will help you to consider ways to build your proficiency in these qualities and in doing so, your confidence will increase and allow you to be more capable of

displaying the qualities you wish to be God’s visible representation.  

It is important to ask these questions to recognize the qualities you have and the areas 

where you can intentionally focus on improving, allowing you to grow in your service to God.

4. How do we connect with others as Christ did while on earth? How can we make this our intentional focus or strengthen our focus?


Examples of how Christ connected with others that we can use as patterns with either the same words and actions of Christ or similar evidence from our own knowledge and experiences.

  •  Unshakable belief in the message fully convinced that God’s word is truth (John

17:17b) and that the scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35b) 

  •  Care for the souls of adults (Matt 28:16-20) and children (Mark 10:13-16) 

  •  Use of allegories or a story is interwoven with interpretation (John 15:11; John


  •  Use of assignments (Matt 10:5 Jesus sends the 12; Luke 10:1 Jesus sends the

70; Mark 6:41 feeding the 5000; Mark 8:6 feeding the 4000; Acts 1:4 Jesus

directing the disciples) 

  •  Use of conversations (Luke 21:5 temple description and its future; Mark 8:16

beware of leaven) 

  •  Use of demonstrations (John 2:13-22 Jesus clears the temple; John 13:12 Jesus

washes the disciples’ feet; Luke 5:4-11 Jesus directs casting the nets; Luke 21:

4-6 widow’s two mites; Mark 9:2 Jesus transfigured) 

  •  Use of examples (Luke 17:18 10 lepers; Mark 9:36-37 importance of children;

Mark 10:13-16 greatest disciple) 

  •  Use of exhortation (John 4:35 harvest is now; Luke 14:13 give the best place to

those in need; John 13:34-35 love one another) 

  •  Use of illustrations (Matt 13: 2-3; Luke 8:4) 

  •  Use of occasions or events (John 4:31 woman at the well, Mark 12:41-44

widow’s two mites; John 11: 1-46 death of Lazarus; John 13: 1-16 Jesus washed

the disciples’ feet) 

  •  Use of parables (Matt 13: 2-3; 24-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 8:4; 13:18,19) 

  •  Use of problems (Mark 7:1-23 ceremony of washings; Mark 9:33-37 who is

greatest disciple) 

  •  Use of questions (Mark 2:25-26 picking grain on Sabbath; Matt 23:17 which is 

greater altar or gift; Matt 22:45-46 David calling on the Lord; Matt 16:13 Who do

men say I am? Mark 3:4 healing on Sabbath; Mark 8:29 Who do men say I am?;

Mark 10:3 divorce) 

  •  Use of illustrations (Matt 13: 2-3; Luke 8:4) 

  •  Use of sermons (Matt 5-7, Sermon on the Mount) 

  •  Use of tests (Mark 8:29 Who do men say I am? John 6:67 test of discipleship;

Mark 4:35 wind and waves at sea)

For the Singles

If you are single and want to marry one day, first ask yourself why you want to get married. Knowing “why” is important to determine first. Marriage is forever and you only get one chance to get it right. People are at their best when dating, so don’t fall into the false thinking that he or she will change for the better after marriage. People can change, but only if they want to—not because you “made” them change.

Matt 6:33: 

33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. 

Are both of you doing this? If you are currently in a relationship or plan to enter a

relationship later, an important question to ask is if both people are doing this?  Wisdom 

waits for a good match.

I Cor 7:8-9:

8 But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. 9 But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Marriage is not for the selfish. The selfish should remain unmarried. Those who wish to

devote themselves to full-time ministry should consider remaining unmarried. Those who don’t think they can keep themselves from fornication should get married. Marriage is a great blessing but requires work and dedication. When with the right person, in a Godly union, it is a beautiful and blessed relationship. 

Now, this study is not to advocate one lifestyle over another, married or single, but rather to provide knowledge and experiences from God’s Word to prepare you for whichever you either find yourself or choose to pursue. Both have noble and honorable qualities and opportunities to serve God. This study is to provide resources to allow each, individually, to learn, grow, hone, and mature these talents for the purpose of glorifying God, serving others, and living a Christian example among the world around us, whether single or married. 

We didn’t marry until we were 25 (Dennis) and 29 (Nina) and being single prior to that

allowed us many opportunities to serve God, that we may not have had as many 

opportunities or ease of doing after marriage such as mission trips.

Lessons in this Series: Growing Future Leaders of the Church 

Bearing God’s Image 

Fit for Service 

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing 





Content and Engaged in God-Given Roles 




CHASE After the Right Things


Dennis and Nina Roofe are active members of the Prince Street church of Christ in Conway, AR. They have one adult son, Christian, who lives in Harrison and worships at the Capps Road church of Christ.

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